Painting. Art Direction. Illustration. Design.
‘Guilty Pleasures’, 111 Minna Gallery, 2024
"The world of ‘Tidy’ is a dense and claustrophobic one, characterized by enmeshment, patterning, figures, introspection, the sweet rot of candy, and acidic overload. The consistency of repetition within these realms is striking. Messy Beck repeats images, and through this process, they become increasingly real. The dream is alive, and it is haunting."
- Kate Laster, Critical Historian (On Messy’s 2023 solo show, ‘Tidy’)
“As overall inviting as Messy’s inner world may see, there are occasional warning signs that this is one rabbit hole that might not be 100% safe for passage… as posh and charming as it is, it also never hesitates to get super fucking weird at a moments whim.”
-John Vochatzer, Moth Belly Gallery